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Opening ceremony of the exhibition "Written Heritageof the History of the Great Steppe"

Theopening ceremony of the exposition “Written Heritage of the History of theGreat Steppe”, organized by the National Center for Manuscripts and RareBooks and the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, took place. Theopening ceremony was attended by Minister of Culture and Sports DaurenAskerbekovich, statesmen and public figures Myrzatai Zholdasbekov, KarzhaubaySartkozhaevich and Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey,Iran, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan. The exhibition presents uniquemanuscripts of Ktub “Khosrow and Shirin”, “Kissas al-Anbiya” by Rabguzi, a copyof “Gulistan” by Seif Sarai from the Leiden Library (Netherlands), “Khibatal-Haqaik” by Ahmad Yughnaki, as well as “Collection of poems – Divan- andHikmet”, an excerpt from a letter from Kayip Khan to the Turkish Sultan AhmedII, a copy of a letter sent to Kayyp Muhammad from the Padishah, a letter fromDzhangir Khan, a letter from Sultan Dzhantore Aishuakov, a letter from AbylayKhan to the Qing Emperor Qianlong, “Mahabbatname” of Khorezmi. One of the mostsignificant manuscripts is the Holy Quran of the 7th century BC.


Program «QOLJAZBALAR SÖYLEYDI» «Part 1» – YouTube

Program «QOLJAZBALAR SÖYLEYDI» «Part 2» – YouTube

Program «QOLJAZBALAR SÖYLEYDI» «Part 3» – YouTube

Program «QOLJAZBALAR SÖYLEYDI» «Part 4» – YouTube

Program «QOLJAZBALAR SÖYLEYDI» «Part 5» – YouTube

Program «QOLJAZBALAR SÖYLEYDI» «Part 6» – YouTube

Program «QOLJAZBALAR SÖYLEYDI» «Part 7» – YouTube

Program «QOLJAZBALAR SÖYLEYDI» «Part 8» – YouTube

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