Typical Qualification Requirements

Regarding the Approval of Standard Qualification Characteristics for Positions of Managers and Specialists within the State Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Issued under Order No. 177 by the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan on June 27, 2016. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on July 19, 2016, under No. 13943.

Standard Qualification Characteristics for Positions of Managers and Specialists within the State Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan

As amended by Order No. 27 issued by the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan on January 27, 2023.

Chapter 1. General Provisions


  1. These Standard Qualification Characteristics for Managers and Specialists in State Archives of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as “qualification characteristics”) aim to facilitate accurate personnel selection and placement, enhance their qualifications, certify workers, delineate labor responsibilities between managers and specialists, and ensure consistency in defining job responsibilities and qualification requirements for these categories of workers according to wage categories.


  1. The qualification characteristics for specialist positions—accountant, economist, lawyer, human resources specialist, and translator—are outlined in the qualification characteristics for individual specialist positions in government agencies and state enterprises. These qualifications are applicable across all sectors of activity and were approved by the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan through Order No. 775 dated September 1, 2016 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Normative Legal Acts under No. 14281).


  1. For positions such as engineer, chief engineer, information security engineer, instrumentation and automation engineer, scientific and technical information officer, labor safety and health officer, fire safety officer, equipment configuration specialist, repair specialist, software engineer (programmer), laboratory engineer, electrical engineer, electronics engineer, personnel inspector, document specialist, senior researcher, and public procurement manager, the qualification characteristics are delineated in the directory of positions for managers, specialists, and other employees.These qualifications were approved by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan through Order No. 553 dated December 30, 2020 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Normative Legal Acts under No. 22003).


  1. When developing job descriptions, requirements for necessary specialized training of workers are established, detailing the list of tasks characteristic of each position in specific organizational and technical contexts.


Chapter 2. Qualification Characteristics of Management Positions


Paragraph 1. Head (Director) of the State Archive


Job Responsibilities:


  • Manages the production, administrative, economic, and financial activities of the state archive (hereinafter referred to as the archive).
  • Organizes the implementation of automated technologies within the archive.
  • Makes decisions ensuring the safety and effective utilization of archive property.
  • Determines the policy, strategy, and mechanisms for implementing archive operations.
  • Organizes the effective functioning and cooperation of all structural divisions, directing their efforts towards the development and enhancement of activities related to the formation, storage, recording, and utilization of documents within the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other archival documents in the interest of the state and society.
  • Takes measures to ensure the archive is staffed with qualified personnel, optimally utilizing and developing their professional knowledge and experience, systematically enhancing workers’ qualifications, creating optimal working conditions, and ensuring compliance with labor legislation and discipline.
  • Promotes the development of employee motivation, initiative, and activity.
  • Organizes anti-corruption initiatives.
  • Issues instructions, orders, and directives binding on all employees.
  • Oversees the hiring and dismissal of employees, except those appointed by higher authorities, applies incentive measures, and imposes disciplinary sanctions on employees.
  • Distributes responsibilities among deputies, managers, and employees of structural divisions.
  • Approves the archive’s work plans and organizes and monitors their implementation.
  • Organizes the preparation and submission of planning and reporting documentation to higher authorities.
  • Concludes contracts and issues powers of attorney.
  • Represents the property and other interests of the archive in court, government agencies, and other organizations.
  • Implements measures to introduce rational forms and methods of work and develop the archive’s material and technical base.
  • Organizes the archive’s mobilization preparedness, developing and implementing measures for document shelter and evacuation during mobilization, martial law, wartime, and document rescue during emergency situations.
  • Ensures compliance with labor regulations, safety and health requirements in state archives (hereinafter referred to as labor safety and health requirements), fire safety rules (hereinafter referred to as fire safety rules), and sanitary rules “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for administrative and residential buildings” (hereinafter referred to as sanitary rules), technical operation of devices, equipment, and mechanisms, and compliance with archive security regulations.

Must Know:


  • The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Constitution).
  • Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Budget Code).
  • Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code).
  • Administrative Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the APPC).
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “On the National Archive Fund and Archives,” “On State Secrets,” “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Digital Signatures,” “On Public Services,” “On Anti-Corruption,” “On Informatization,” “On Public Procurement.”


  • Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2015, No. 1193 “On the system of remuneration for civil servants, employees of organizations supported by the state budget, employees of state-owned enterprises” (hereinafter referred to as Government Decree No. 1193).
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts in the field of archival affairs and documentation management support.


  • Domestic and foreign experiences, modern information technologies in archiving.
  • Methods of conducting research.
  • Basics of labor organization and management.
  • Internal labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules.

Qualification Requirements:

  1. Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas of study: “Arts and Humanities,” “Social Sciences, Journalism, and Information,” “Business, Management, and Law,” “Information and Communication Technologies.”


Work Experience:


  1. For republican state archives: at least five years in archival affairs or managerial positions, or at least five years for individuals enrolled in the Presidential Youth Personnel Reserve, or at least four years in archival affairs or managerial positions for individuals who have completed postgraduate education programs in educational organizations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or in foreign higher educational institutions in priority specialties approved by the Working Body.
  2. For regional state archives, state archives of cities of republican significance, and the capital: at least four years in archival affairs or managerial positions, or at least five years for individuals enrolled in the Presidential Youth Personnel Reserve, or at least three years in archival affairs or managerial positions for individuals who have completed postgraduate education programs in educational organizations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or in foreign higher educational institutions in priority specialties approved by the Working Body.
  3. For city, district state archives, and branches of state archives: at least three years of work experience in archival affairs or managerial positions, or at least five years for individuals enrolled in the Presidential Youth Personnel Reserve, or at least two years of work experience in archival affairs or managerial positions for individuals who have completed postgraduate education programs in educational organizations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or in foreign higher educational institutions in priority specialties approved by the Working Body.


Paragraph 2. Deputy Head (Director) of the Archive


Job Responsibilities:


  • Provides leadership and organizes work under the general direction of the director in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities.
  • Organizes the development and implementation of an archive development strategy in the supervised area.
  • Ensures the introduction of automated technologies into the work of the archive.
  • Participates in the development of plans and controls the work on their implementation.
  • Ensures the submission of necessary reliable reporting.
  • Conducts scientific research and develops methodological documents in the field of archival affairs, archeography, and document management.
  • Controls the timeliness of execution of orders and decisions of the archive director.
  • Manages, within the granted powers, the work of economic and technical services that ensure the functioning of lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and other equipment.
  • Resolves, within competence, issues of financial, economic, production, and economic activities.
  • Ensures the safety of the archive’s property and its effective and rational use.
  • Introduces new and improves existing organizational forms and methods of work for employees aimed at developing and improving activities related to the formation, storage, recording, and use of documents of the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other archival documents.
  • Develops measures for employee certification and rationalization of workplaces.
  • Carries out the selection of personnel for the structural divisions of the archive and recommends them to the archive director.
  • Develops a long-term plan for improving the skills of employees.
  • Ensures compliance with labor regulations, safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules, technical operation of instruments, equipment, and mechanisms, and compliance with archive security regulations.

Must Know:

  • Constitution
  • Budget Code
  • Labor Code
  • Administrative Procedural Code
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “On the National Archive Fund and Archives,” “On State Secrets,” “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Digital Signatures,” “On Public Services,” “On Anti-Corruption,” “On Informatization,” “On Public Procurement”
  • Government Decree No. 1193
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts in the field of archival affairs and documentation management support
  • Domestic and foreign experience, modern information technologies in the field of archiving
  • Methods of conducting research work
  • Basics of labor organization and management
  • Internal labor regulations, safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules

Qualification Requirements:

  1. Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas of study: “Arts and Humanities,” “Social Sciences, Journalism, and Information,” “Business, Management, and Law,” “Information and Communication Technologies.”

Work Experience:

  1. For republican state archives: at least four years in archival affairs or managerial positions, or at least five years for individuals enrolled in the Presidential Youth Personnel Reserve, or at least three years in archival affairs or managerial positions for individuals who have completed postgraduate education programs in educational organizations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or in foreign higher educational institutions in priority specialties approved by the Working Body, and for persons with an academic degree in the areas of training “Arts and Humanities,” “Social Sciences, Journalism, and Information,” “Business, Management, and Law,” “Information and Communication Technologies.”
  2. For regional state archives, state archives of cities of republican significance, and the capital: at least three years in archival affairs or managerial positions, or at least five years for individuals enrolled in the Presidential Youth Personnel Reserve, or at least two years in archival affairs or leadership positions for individuals who have completed postgraduate education programs in educational organizations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or in foreign higher educational institutions in priority specialties approved by the Working Body, and for persons with an academic degree in the areas of training “Arts and Humanities,” “Social Sciences, Journalism, and Information,” “Business, Management, and Law,” “Information and Communication Technologies.”
  3. For city, district state archives, and branches of state archives: at least two years in archival affairs or leadership positions, or at least five years for individuals enrolled in the Presidential Youth Personnel Reserve, or at least one year in archival affairs or leadership positions for individuals who have completed postgraduate education programs in educational organizations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or in foreign higher educational institutions in priority specialties approved by the Working Body, and for persons with an academic degree in the areas of training “Arts and Humanities,” “Social Sciences, Journalism, and Information,” “Business, Management, and Law,” “Information and Communication Technologies.”



Paragraph 3. Chief Custodian of Funds


Job Responsibilities:


  • Manages the activities of the structural divisions of the archive to ensure the safety and state accounting of documents of the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other archival documents in state storage, and analyzes the state of their work.
  • Ensures the safety of documents and organizes the reception and recording of documents in accordance with the Rules for the acquisition, storage, recording, and use of documents of the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and other archival documents by state and special state archives, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 20, 2018 No. 576 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules of State Archives).
  • Draws up work plans and reports.
  • Carries out a set of measures to preserve, improve the physical condition of archival funds, restoration, conservation, and insurance copying of documents.
  • Participates in the preparation of materials for declassification of archival documents and in the implementation of automated archival technologies.
  • Organizes work on accepting documents for state storage.
  • Participates in the organization of mobilization preparation of the archive, the development and implementation of measures for the shelter and evacuation of documents during mobilization, martial law, and wartime, and the rescue of documents in emergency situations.
  • Controls the release of files from archives and their return, compliance with the standards established by the Rules of State Archives, safety and labor protection requirements, and fire safety rules.
  • Gives scientific reports, articles, and reviews.
  • Participates in the work of the directorate, expert-verification and methodological commissions, and other advisory and advisory bodies of the archive.

Must Know:

  • Constitution
  • Labor Code
  • Administrative Procedural Code
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “On the National Archival Fund and Archives,” “On State Secrets,” “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Digital Signatures,” “On State Services,” “On Informatization”
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts in the field of archival affairs and documentation management support
  • Domestic and foreign experience, modern information technologies in the field of archiving
  • Methods of conducting research work
  • Internal labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules

Qualification Requirements:

  1. Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas of study: “History,” “Archival studies, document management, and documentation support,” “Automation and management,” “State and local government,” “Philology,” “Jurisprudence.”
  2. Work Experience: in the field of archival affairs for at least five years.


Paragraph 4. Head of a Structural Unit (Service, Department)

Job Responsibilities:

  • Provides leadership in the relevant areas of the archive’s activities.
  • Controls the proper implementation of tasks and functions defined by the regulations on the structural unit (service, department).
  • Analyzes the state of work of a structural unit (service, department) and prepares proposals for draft development programs and work plans for the archive in the area of activity of the structural unit (service, department).
  • Develops and participates in the implementation of long-term and current work plans of a structural unit (service, department).
  • Sets planned targets for employees of a structural unit (service, department) and monitors their implementation.
  • Organizes the timely preparation and submission of reports on the work of a structural unit (service, department) to the archive management.
  • Organizes the interaction of a structural unit (service, department) with other structural units of the archive.
  • Participates in the development of research topics and methodological documents in the area of activity of the structural unit (service, department), in the implementation of automated archival technologies, in the work of expert verification, methodological commissions, directorate, and other advisory and advisory bodies of the archive.
  • Prepares a proposal for the appointment, relocation, dismissal of employees of a structural unit (service, department), encouragement, and imposition of penalties on them, and improvement of their qualifications.
  • Carries out reviews of works and advises on issues related to the activities of a structural unit (service, department).
  • Gives scientific reports, articles, lectures, and communications.
  • Ensures compliance with labor regulations, safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules, technical operation of instruments, equipment, and mechanisms, compliance with the archive security regime, and participates in the organization of mobilization preparation of the archive.

Must Know:

  • Constitution
  • Labor Code
  • Administrative Procedural Code
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “On the National Archival Fund and Archives,” “On State Secrets,” “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Digital Signatures,” “On State Services,” “On Informatization”
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts in the field of archival affairs and documentation management support
  • Domestic and foreign experience, modern information technologies in the field of archiving
  • Methods of conducting research work
  • Internal labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules

Qualification Requirements:

  1. Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas of study: “History,” “Archival studies, document management, and documentation support,” “Automation and management,” “Information systems,” “State and local government,” “Philology,” “Jurisprudence.”

Work Experience:

  1. For republican state archives: at least four years in the field of archival affairs or in management positions, or at least three years in the field of archival affairs or in management positions for persons who have completed postgraduate education programs in educational organizations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or in foreign higher educational institutions in priority specialties approved by the Working Body, and for persons with an academic degree in the specialties mentioned.
  2. For regional state archives, state archives of cities of republican significance, and the capital: at least three years in the field of archival affairs or in management positions, or at least two years in the field of archival affairs or in management positions for persons who have completed postgraduate education programs in educational organizations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or in foreign higher educational institutions in priority specialties approved by the Working Body, and for persons with an academic degree in the specialties mentioned.



Paragraph 5. Deputy Head of a Structural Unit (Service, Department)


Job Responsibilities:


  • Provides leadership in the relevant areas of the archive’s activities.
  • Controls the proper implementation of tasks and functions defined by the regulations on the structural unit (service, department).
  • Participates in the implementation of long-term and current work plans of a structural unit (service, department).
  • Organizes the timely preparation and submission of reports on the work of the structural unit (service, department).
  • Organizes the interaction of a structural unit (service, department) with other structural units of the archive.
  • Participates in the development of research topics and methodological documents in the area of activity of the structural unit (service, department), in the implementation of automated archival technologies, in the work of expert verification, methodological commissions, directorate, and other advisory and advisory bodies of the archive.
  • Conducts reviews of works and advises on issues related to the activities of a structural unit (service, department).
  • Organizes work to improve the qualifications of employees of a structural unit (service, department).
  • Gives scientific reports, articles, lectures, and communications.
  • Ensures compliance with labor regulations, safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules, technical operation of instruments, equipment, and mechanisms, compliance with the archive security regime, and participates in the organization of mobilization preparation of the archive.

Must Know:

  • Constitution
  • Labor Code
  • Administrative Procedural Code
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “On the National Archival Fund and Archives,” “On State Secrets,” “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Digital Signatures,” “On State Services,” “On Informatization”
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts in the field of archival affairs and documentation management support
  • Domestic and foreign experience, modern information technologies in the field of archiving
  • Methods of conducting research work
  • Internal labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules

Qualification Requirements:

  1. Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas of study: “History,” “Archival studies, document management and documentation support,” “Automation and management,” “Information systems,” “State and local government,” “Philology,” “Jurisprudence.”

Work Experience:

  1. For republican state archives: at least three years in the field of archival affairs or in management positions, or at least two years in the field of archival affairs or in management positions for persons who have completed postgraduate education programs in educational organizations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or in foreign higher educational institutions in priority specialties approved by the Working Body, and for persons with an academic degree in the mentioned specialties.
  2. For regional state archives, state archives of cities of republican significance, and the capital: at least two years in the field of archival affairs or in management positions, or at least one year in the field of archival affairs or in management positions for persons who have completed postgraduate education programs in educational organizations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or in foreign higher educational institutions in priority specialties approved by the Working Body, and for persons with an academic degree in the mentioned specialties.

Paragraph 6. Archive Director


Job Responsibilities:


  • Manages the operations of the archives.
  • Accepts archival funds and documents for state storage.
  • Ensures the safety of documents of the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other archival documents stored in archives.
  • Organizes timely submission of reports on the work of the archive.
  • Ensures rational placement, accounting, and safety of archival funds and documents in the archive storage.
  • Participates in carrying out measures to improve the physical condition of archival funds, restoration, conservation, and insurance copying of documents.
  • Participates in the declassification of archival documents.
  • Conducts checks on the availability of documents, their physical condition, examination of scientific value, and topography.
  • Performs dust removal, encryption, and re-encryption of files, numbering of sheets, design of labels, case covers, cardboarding, sealing of boxes with documents for which an insurance fund or use fund has been created, as well as boxes with little-used documents that have been checked for availability and condition.
  • Issues files from archives to the reading room, to institutions and organizations for temporary use, and controls their return to the archives.
  • Ensures compliance with the regimes and standards for storing archival documents established by the Rules of State Archives.
  • Conducts work on recording and searching for undetected cases, and documents the results of this work.
  • Manages work to ensure the temperature and humidity conditions of the archive storage.
  • Identifies documents for classification as objects of national heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan and especially valuable documents.
  • Ensures compliance with fire safety rules and security regime in the archive storage.
  • Participates in the organization of mobilization preparation of the archive, the development and implementation of measures for the shelter and evacuation of documents during mobilization, martial law, and wartime, and the rescue of documents in emergency situations.
  • Participates in the development of research topics and methodological documents on the work of the archive.
  • Participates in the implementation of automated technologies in the archive storage.
  • Participates in the work of expert verification and methodological commissions.

Must Know:

  • Constitution
  • Labor Code
  • Administrative Procedural Code
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan: “On the National Archival Fund and Archives,” “On State Secrets,” “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Digital Signatures,” “On State Services,” “On Informatization”
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts in the field of archival affairs and documentation support for management
  • Domestic and foreign experience, modern information technologies in the field of archiving
  • Methods of conducting research work
  • Internal labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules

Qualification Requirements:

  1. Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas of study: “History,” “Archival studies, document management and documentation support,” “Automation and management,” “Information systems,” “State and local government,” “Philology,” “Jurisprudence”


Work Experience:


  1. For republican state archives: at least three years in the field of archival affairs or at least one year for persons who have completed training in postgraduate education programs in educational organizations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or in foreign higher educational institutions in priority specialties approved by the Working Body, and for persons with an academic degree in the mentioned specialties.


  1. For regional state archives, state archives of cities of republican significance, and the capital: at least two years in the field of archival affairs or without requirements for work experience for persons who have completed postgraduate education programs in educational organizations under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan or in foreign higher educational institutions in priority specialties approved by the Working Body, and for persons with an academic degree in the mentioned specialties.


Chapter 3. Qualification Characteristics of Specialist Positions


Paragraph 7. Chief Expert


Job Responsibilities:


  • Manages expert research in archival affairs, archeography, and document management, facilitating their implementation in practice.
  • Prepares draft normative legal acts, scientific and methodological manuals on archival affairs, archeography, and document management, and participates in their discussion.
  • Provides expert opinions on the work of the republic’s archives in archival affairs and documentation support for management activities.
  • Submits proposals for improving archival affairs and documentation support for management activities to expert-verification, methodological commissions, and other advisory bodies of the archive.
  • Reviews and gives expert opinions on draft prospectuses, collections of documents, reference books, catalogs, guides, and archival indexes presented by the republic’s archives.
  • Participates in the work of expert verification and methodological commissions, offering expert opinions on issues considered.
  • Proposes the classification of documents of the National Archive Fund as national heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan and especially valuable documents, providing expert opinions on submitted documents.
  • Participates in the examination of documents of personal origin to contribute to the replenishment of the National Archival Fund.
  • Prepares proposals for determining storage periods for documents not covered in the current list and for changing established storage periods.
  • Provides expert opinions on controversial issues related to the examination, storage, use, and publication of documents.
  • Participates in identifying types and varieties of organizations as sources of archive acquisition.
  • Reviews regulatory legal acts, methodological manuals, reference books, and lists of documents indicating storage periods prepared by acquisition source organizations, offering expert opinions.
  • Participates in implementing automated archival technologies into archive operations.

Must Know:

  • Constitution; Labor Code; APC;
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan related to archival affairs, state secrets, electronic documents, state services, and informatization;
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts in archival affairs and documentation support for management;
  • Domestic and foreign experience, modern information technologies in archiving;
  • Methods of conducting research work;
  • Internal labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules.
  • Qualification Requirements:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas: History, Archival Studies, Document Management and Documentation Support, Automation and Management, Information Systems, State and Local Government, Philology, Jurisprudence.

Work Experience:

  1. For republican state archives: at least three years in archival affairs or in one of the aforementioned areas of education.
  2. For regional state archives, state archives of cities of republican significance, the capital: at least two years in archival affairs or in one of the aforementioned areas of education.

Paragraph 8. Leading Expert

Job Responsibilities:

  • Participates in expert research in archival affairs, archeography, and document management, facilitating their implementation in practice.
  • Prepares draft normative legal acts, scientific and methodological manuals on archival affairs, archeography, and document management, and participates in their discussion.
  • Provides expert opinions on the work of the republic’s archives in archival affairs and documentation support for management activities.
  • Submits proposals for improving archival affairs and documentation support for management activities to expert-verification, methodological commissions, and other advisory bodies of the archive.
  • Reviews and gives expert opinions on draft prospectuses, collections of documents, reference books, catalogs, guides, and archival indexes presented by the republic’s archives.
  • Participates in the work of expert verification and methodological commissions, offering expert opinions on issues considered.
  • Proposes the classification of documents of the National Archive Fund as national heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan and especially valuable documents, providing expert opinions on submitted documents.
  • Participates in the examination of documents of personal origin to contribute to the replenishment of the National Archival Fund.
  • Prepares proposals for determining storage periods for documents not covered in the current list and for changing established storage periods.
  • Provides expert opinions on controversial issues related to the examination, storage, use, and publication of documents.
  • Participates in identifying types and varieties of organizations as sources of archive acquisition.
  • Reviews regulatory legal acts, methodological manuals, reference books, and lists of documents indicating storage periods prepared by acquisition source organizations, offering expert opinions.
  • Participates in implementing automated archival technologies into archive operations.

Must Know:

  • Constitution; Labor Code; APC;
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan related to archival affairs, state secrets, electronic documents, state services, and informatization;
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts in archival affairs and documentation support for management;
  • Domestic and foreign experience, modern information technologies in archiving;
  • Methods of conducting research work;
  • Internal labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules.
  • Qualification Requirements:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas: History, Archival Studies, Document Management and Documentation Support, Automation and Management, Information Systems, State and Local Government, Philology, Jurisprudence.

Work Experience:


  1. For republican state archives: at least two years in archival affairs or in one of the aforementioned areas of education.
  2. For regional state archives, state archives of cities of republican significance, the capital: at least one year in archival affairs or in one of the aforementioned areas of education.


Paragraph 9. Senior Expert




  • Participating in expert research on archival affairs, archeography, and document management, and advocating for their practical implementation.
  • Drafting normative legal acts, scientific and methodological manuals on archival affairs, archeography, and document management, and engaging in discussions about them.
  • Providing expert opinions on the performance of the republic’s archives in archival affairs and documentation support for management activities.
  • Submitting proposals to improve archival affairs and documentation support to expert-verification, methodological commissions, and other advisory bodies of the archive.
  • Reviewing draft prospectuses, collections of documents, reference books, catalogs, guides, and archival indexes from the republic’s archives, and providing expert opinions.
  • Participating in expert verification and methodological commissions, and preparing expert opinions on discussed issues.
  • Proposing the classification of National Archive Fund documents as national heritage or especially valuable, and providing expert opinions.
  • Contributing to the examination of documents of personal origin and the replenishment of the National Archival Fund.
  • Developing proposals for determining storage periods for documents and giving expert opinions on related matters.
  • Providing expert opinions on contentious issues regarding document value, storage, use, and publication.
  • Participating in the identification of organizations as sources of archive acquisition.
  • Reviewing regulatory legal acts, methodological manuals, reference books, and lists of documents indicating storage periods, and providing expert opinions.
  • Assisting in the implementation of automated archival technologies in archive work.


  • Knowledge of the Constitution, Labor Code, and APC.
  • Familiarity with laws concerning the National Archival Fund and Archives, State Secrets, Electronic Documents and Digital Signatures, State Services, and Informatization.
  • Understanding of by-laws and regulatory legal acts related to archival affairs and documentation support.
  • Knowledge of domestic and foreign archival practices, modern information technologies, research methodologies, internal labor regulations, labor safety, health requirements, fire safety rules, and sanitary rules.

Qualification Requirements:

  1. Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas: History, Archival Studies, Document Management, Automation and Management, Information Systems, State and Local Government, Philology, or Jurisprudence.
  2. Minimum one year of work experience in archival affairs or related fields, preferably in republican or regional state archives, state archives of cities of republican significance, or the capital.

Paragraph 10. Expert


  • Participating in expert research on archival affairs, archeography, and document management, and advocating for their practical implementation.
  • Drafting normative legal acts, scientific and methodological manuals on archival affairs, archeography, and document management, and engaging in discussions about them.
  • Providing expert opinions on the performance of the republic’s archives in archival affairs and documentation support for management activities.
  • Submitting proposals for improving archival affairs and documentation support to expert-verification, methodological commissions, and other advisory bodies of the archive.
  • Reviewing draft prospectuses, collections of documents, reference books, catalogs, guides, and archival indexes from the republic’s archives, and providing expert opinions.
  • Participating in expert verification and methodological commissions, and preparing expert opinions on discussed issues.
  • Proposing the classification of National Archive Fund documents as national heritage or especially valuable, and providing expert opinions.
  • Contributing to the examination of documents of personal origin and the replenishment of the National Archival Fund.
  • Developing proposals for determining storage periods for documents and giving expert opinions on related matters.
  • Providing expert opinions on contentious issues regarding document value, storage, use, and publication.
  • Participating in the identification of organizations as sources of archive acquisition.
  • Reviewing regulatory legal acts, methodological manuals, reference books, and lists of documents indicating storage periods prepared by acquisition source organizations, and providing expert opinions.
  • Assisting in the implementation of automated archival technologies in archive work.


  • Knowledge of the Constitution, Labor Code, and APC.
  • Familiarity with laws concerning the National Archival Fund and Archives, State Secrets, Electronic Documents and Digital Signatures, State Services, and Informatization.
  • Understanding of by-laws and regulatory legal acts related to archival affairs and documentation support.
  • Knowledge of domestic and foreign archival practices, modern information technologies in archiving, research methodologies, internal labor regulations, labor safety, health requirements, fire safety rules, and sanitary rules.


  1. Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas: History, Archival Studies, Document Management, Automation and Management, Information Systems, State and Local Government, Philology, or Jurisprudence.
  2. No specific work experience requirements.


Paragraph 11. Advisor


  • Providing information, organizational, and technical support for the scientific, production, and administrative activities of the archive director.
  • Collecting, processing, and presenting information to assist the archive director in decision-making.
  • Preparing information, certificates, and reports on archive activities, both promising and operational, on behalf of the director, and engaging relevant units as needed.
  • Ensuring timely execution of director’s orders and instructions, and verifying draft documents for compliance with higher authority requirements and regulatory legal acts.
  • Requesting certificates, materials, and information from division heads and responsible executives regarding the execution of director’s orders and instructions.
  • Assisting in the preparation and facilitation of management meetings and organizing associated services.
  • Coordinating the reception of delegations, business visits, and meetings.
  • Participating in the work of expert verification and methodological commissions.


  • Constitution.
  • LaborCode.
  • APC.
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan related to the National Archival Fund and Archives, State Secrets, Electronic Documents and Digital Signatures, State Services, and Informatization.
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts concerning archival affairs and documentation support.
  • Domestic and foreign experience, modern information technologies in archiving, research methodologies, internal labor regulations, labor safety, health requirements, fire safety rules, and sanitary rules.


  1. Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas: History, Archival Studies, Document Management, Automation and Management, Information Systems, State and Local Government, Philology, or Jurisprudence.
  2. Minimum three years of work experience in archival affairs.


Paragraph 12. Archivist


  • Provide methodological and practical assistance to organizations regarding documentation support for management, examination of the scientific and practical value of documents, storage of documents of the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and other archival documents.
  • Conduct examinations of the value of documents of personal origin and ensure their inclusion in the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Perform state accounting of archival funds and documents.
  • Accept archival funds and documents for state storage.
  • Conduct inspections of the physical condition of documents and assess their value.
  • Issue files from archives to the reading room and organizations for temporary use.
  • Monitor compliance by organizations – sources of archive acquisition with the norms established by the Rules of State Archives.
  • Fulfill requests from individuals and legal entities, issue archival certificates, and copies of archival documents necessary for the protection of their rights and legitimate interests.
  • Participate in the preparation of materials for the declassification of archival documents.
  • Contribute to the preparation of information letters containing details about documents available in the archive on specific topics.
  • Workondocumenttopography.
  • Participate in the preparation of proposals for draft work plans of the archive’s structural unit and their implementation.
  • Contribute to the implementation of automated archival technologies, organizing exhibitions of documents, preparing materials for periodicals, and the media.
  • Participate in the identification and selection of documents for documentary publications, in archaeographic design, commenting on documents, and compiling scientific reference materials for documentary publications.
  • Participate in the management of observational affairs of archives of organizations.
  • Maintain catalogs and databases, prepare reference and information publications on the composition and content of archive documents.
  • Conduct dust removal, encryption, and re-encryption of files, numbering of sheets, design of labels, case covers, cardboarding, and sealing of boxes with documents for which an insurance fund or use fund has been created, as well as boxes with little-used documents that have been checked for availability and condition.
  • Contribute to the development of methodological documents and their implementation.
  • Review works and participate in their discussion.
  • Participate in the work of expert verification and methodological commissions.


  • Constitution; LaborCode; APC;
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the National Archival Fund and Archives,” “On State Secrets,” “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Digital Signatures,” “On State Services,” “On Informatization”;
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts in the field of archival affairs and documentation support for management;
  • Domestic and foreign experience, modern information technologies in the field of archiving;
  • Methods of conducting research work;
  • Internal labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules.

Qualification Requirements:

Specialists of the highest level of qualification:

  1. HighestCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas of training: “History,” “Archival science, document management, and documentation support,” “Automation and management,” “Information systems,” “State and local government,” “Philology,” “Jurisprudence”;
  • Work experience: For republican, regional state archives, state archives of cities of republican significance, the capital – at least three years in the field of archival affairs or in one of the specified areas of training; for city, district state archives, branches of state archives – at least two years in the field of archival affairs or in one of the specified areas of training;
  1. FirstCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the specified areas of training;
  • Work experience: For republican, regional state archives, state archives of cities of republican significance, the capital – at least two years in the field of archival affairs or in one of the specified areas of training; for city, district state archives, branches of state archives – at least one year in the field of archival affairs or in one of the specified areas of training;
  1. SecondCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the specified areas of training;
  • Work experience: For republican, regional state archives, state archives of cities of republican significance, the capital – at least one year in the field of archival affairs or in one of the specified areas of training; for city, district state archives, branches of state archives – without specific requirements for work experience;
  1. WithoutCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the specified areas of training;
  • No requirements for work experience;


  1. HighestCategory:
  • Technical and professional (secondary specialized, secondary vocational) education in the relevant specialty (qualification);
  • Work experience as an archivist or clerk for at least three years;
  1. FirstCategory:
  • Technical and professional (secondary specialized, secondary vocational) education in the relevant specialty (qualification);
  • Work experience as an archivist or records manager for at least two years;
  1. SecondCategory:
  • Technical and professional (secondary specialized, secondary vocational) education in the relevant specialty (qualification);
  • Work experience as an archivist or clerk for at least one year;
  1. WithoutCategory:
  • Technical and vocational (secondary specialized, secondary vocational) education in the relevant specialty (qualification) without specific requirements for work experience.


Paragraph 13. Archaeographer


  • Conduct scientific research and publication of documents from the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other archival sources.
  • Prepare documentary publications and archival reference materials such as guides, catalogs, reviews, and indexes detailing the composition and content of archive documents.
  • Identify documents, assess their scientific value and relevance, and conduct archaeographic registration and commentary on documents.
  • Write historical and archaeographical prefaces, as well as scientific reference materials for collections.
  • Provide guidance to archive workers on the theory and methods of archaeography.
  • Conduct research and develop educational materials, implementing research results and educational aids into practice.
  • Prepare reports, messages, and articles related to archival research.
  • Review documentary publications and participate in discussions regarding their content and quality.
  • Develop work plans and progress reports for archival projects.
  • Participate in expert verification and methodological commissions.


  • Constitution; LaborCode; APC;
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the National Archival Fund and Archives,” “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Digital Signatures,” “On State Services,” “On Informatization”;
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts in the field of archival affairs and documentation support for management;
  • Domestic and foreign experience, modern information technologies in the field of archiving;
  • Methods of conducting research work;
  • Internal labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules.

Qualification Requirements:

Specialists of the highest level of qualification:

  1. HighestCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas of training: “History,” “Archival studies, document management, and documentation support”;
  • Minimum of three years of experience in archiving;
  1. FirstCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the specified areas of training;
  • Minimum of two years of work experience in archiving;
  1. SecondCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the specified areas of training;
  • At least one year of work experience in the field of archival affairs;
  1. WithoutCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the specified areas of training;
  • No specific work experience requirements.


Paragraph 14. Paleographer


  • Identify, read, date, and describe documents from early historical eras for use in documentary publications, educational materials, and informational resources.
  • Establish the authenticity, paleographic, linguistic, and other features of documents.
  • Provide guidance to archive workers on handling documents from early historical eras.
  • Study and systematize seals on documents.
  • Identify documents for classification as objects of national heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan and especially valuable documents.
  • Conduct research and develop educational materials in the field of paleography, implementing research results and educational aids into practice.
  • Prepare reports, messages, and articles based on archive documents.
  • Participate in the preparation of proposals for draft plans for the structural unit of the archive and their implementation.
  • Participate in the work of expert verification and methodological commissions.


  • Constitution; LaborCode; APC;
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the National Archival Fund and Archives,” “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Digital Signatures,” “On State Services,” “On Informatization”;
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts in the field of archival affairs and documentation support for management;
  • Domestic and foreign experience, modern information technologies in the field of archiving;
  • Methods of conducting research work;
  • Internal labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules.

Qualification Requirements:

Specialists of the highest level of qualification:

  1. HighestCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas of training: “History,” “Archival studies, document management, and documentation support”;
  • Minimum of three years of experience in archiving;
  1. FirstCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the specified areas of training;
  • Minimum of two years of experience in archiving;
  1. SecondCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the specified areas of training;
  • Work experience in the field of archival affairs for at least one year;
  1. WithoutCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the specified areas of training;
  • No specific work experience requirements.


Paragraph 15. Artist-Restorer of Archival Documents


  • Perform restoration and conservation work, including tasks of particularly complex, most complex, and medium complexity, on documents of the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other archival sources.
  • Inspect and describe the condition of the object being restored, determine its original appearance, and ascertain the history of changes it has undergone.
  • Identify the causes and nature of the destruction of the restored object based on the results of chemical, physical, and biological studies.
  • Develop a methodology for carrying out restoration work and select appropriate materials for implementation.
  • Document the progress of restoration work and capture photographs before, during, and after the restoration process.
  • Instruct photographers on documenting individual processes of restoration work.
  • Strengthen the base, soil, and paint layer of works of painting and graphics during restoration, while also removing later layers that hide or distort the author’s work.
  • Conduct examinations of the physical and technical condition of archival documents.
  • Provide consultations on issues within their competence.
  • Participate in the work of expert verification and methodological commissions.


  • Constitution; LaborCode; APC;
  • Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the National Archival Fund and Archives,” “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Digital Signatures,” “On State Services,” “On Informatization”;
  • By-laws and regulatory legal acts in the field of archival affairs and documentation support for management;
  • Equipment, technology, basic methods of restoration of archival documents, and methods of their application;
  • Stylistic features of documentary monuments;
  • Types of materials and methods of their use for restoration work, considering the characteristics of archival documents;
  • Principles of dating and attribution;
  • Reasons causing destruction of documents;
  • Domestic and foreign experience, modern information technologies in the field of restoration of archival documents;
  • Methods of conducting research work;
  • Internal labor regulations, labor safety and health requirements, fire safety rules, sanitary rules.

Qualification Requirements:

Specialists of the highest level of qualification:

  1. HighestCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the following areas of training: “Archival studies, document management, and documentation support,” “Painting”;
  • Work experience in the specialty as an artist-restorer of archival documents of category I for at least one year;
  1. FirstCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the specified areas of training;
  • Work experience in the specialty as an artist-restorer of archival documents of category II for at least one year;
  1. SecondCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the specified areas of training;
  • Work experience in the specialty as an artist-restorer of archival documents without a category for at least one year;
  1. WithoutCategory:
  • Higher (or postgraduate) education in one of the specified areas of training;
  • No specific work experience requirements.


  1. HighestCategory:
  • Technical and professional (secondary specialized, secondary vocational) education in the relevant specialty (qualification);
  • Work experience as an artist-restorer of archival documents of category I for at least one year;
  1. FirstCategory:
  • Technical and professional (secondary specialized, secondary vocational) education in the relevant specialty (qualification);
  • Work experience as an artist-restorer of archival documents of category II for at least one year;
  1. SecondCategory:
  • Technical and professional (secondary specialized, secondary vocational) education in the relevant specialty (qualification);
  • Work experience as an artist-restorer of archival documents without a category for at least one year;
  1. WithoutCategory:
  • Technical and professional (secondary specialized, secondary vocational) education in the relevant specialty (qualification);

No specific work experience requirements

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