Paid services

According to Clause 1 of Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 22, 1998, “On the National Archive Fund and Archives,” and the order of the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 26, 2018, No. 275, the National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books offers the following paid services:

  • Restoration of manuscripts and rare books, including sewing blocks and various types of bindings.
  • Advanced training courses for restorers.
  • Digitization of rare books and manuscripts, including the production of facsimile copies.
  • Organization and hosting of exhibitions (including book, photo, and documentary exhibitions) for both legal entities and individuals.


For further inquiries, please contact the following numbers:


8 707 725 00 30 S. Botabekov


8 701 252 01 81 T.Magauiyanova


8 771 332 07 05 A. Baimagambetova

Национальный центр рукописей и редких книг






Республика Казахстан г. Астана, бульвар Нұржол 12

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