
The fund of the center is a collection of manuscripts and rare books in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages of various chronological depths, related to the history and culture of Kazakhstan. Today, the center’s fund has more than 6,000 copies of books.

Book Collection in Arabic Script of the National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books Catalogue

EDITED BY: Dr. Zhandos Boldykov, Prof. Mahmud Erol Kılıç PREPARED FOR PUBLICATION BY: Ashirbek Muminov, Kamshat Parimbekova, Selahaddin Uygur, Almat Absalikov, Anuar ArykbaevAbout the book:
The catalog presents a scientific description of Arabic manuscripts and rare editions of the National Center for Manuscripts and Rare Kiig. The descriptions are divided into three main sections, the manuscripts themselves, lithographed books and rare printed editions of works compiled in Arabic, Persian, Turkic and other languages. Most of the storage units of the Arabic fund in different languages are Islamic studies literature and these are books rewritten or published in the 19th – early 20th centuries. Here are works on philosophy (falsafa) and logic (mantiq), Islamic law (fiqh), theology (kalam), interpretations of the Holy Quran (tafsir) and traditions (hadith).Works on Arabic grammar, rhetoric, eloquence and explanatory dictionaries of the Arabic language are also described. Works in Persian are represented mainly by poetry and textbooks on Arabic philology in Persian. The compositions in the Turkic languages are composed in the classical Chagatai, Turkic-Tatar, Turkish, Azerbaijani and Kazakh languages. The range of these works is diverse, ranging from the poetry of Fuzuli and Nava’i, to interpretations of the Holy Koran and chronicles on history. In general, the content of the catalog reflects the state of the spiritual and intellectual culture of Kazakh society in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The catalog is intended for orientalists, Islamic scholars, historians, philosophers and a wide range of readers interested in the history of handwritten books in oriental languages.


Editorial board: R. Ali, Zh. Boldykov, K. Parimbekova
Compiled by: A. Absalikov, G. Bisenova, S. Botabekov, A. Zhabykbai, N. Zhakan

This catalog album contains rare manuscripts and valuable books, copies of which were brought within the framework of the Archive 2025 project of the National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books in Turkey, Russia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Egypt, Qatar. The collection includes the works of scientists of Kazakh origin Al-Farabi, Saadi Turkestani, Husam ad Din Sygnaki, Yusuf Sairami, Al-Ispijabi, Mahmoud Churos and others. This collection is an important information tool for historians, orientalists, turkologists, archaeologists and data researchers, as well as for every reader interested in the history of our country.

History of Kazakhstan in foreign archives (XVI-XX centuries)

This handbook was compiled on the basis of documents stored in the RGADA, AVPRI, GARF, RGASPI,RGAE. The documents cover the period from the 16th to the 20th centuries.

1 volume

Russian state archive of ancient acts, institutional funds - 2,284,353 storage units; save.; manuscript books - 12,597 birls. watch out Scientific and technical documentation-792 405 units.

2 volume

State military-historical archive of Russia 13.036 ff. (3,250,957 storage units); scientific and technical documentation - 15 ff.(131,795 storage units));micro forms-storage unit in copyright. 1 f. (77 sak. one.)

3 volume

The State Historical Archive of Russia contains 6.5 million documents related to the history of the Russian Empire. In total, the size of the archive fund is about 7.2 million storage units.

4 volume

State archive of Orinbor region In the 4th volume of the informational guide, more than 9,000 fund documents of the state archive of the Orinbor region about the history of Kazakhstan in the 18th-20th centuries. I half. reported.

5 volume

State historical archive of Omsk region. The 5th volume of the information directory contains about 4,000 cases of the archive fund on the history of Kazakhstan from the 18th to the 20th centuries. containing data entered

6 volume

Russian state film photo document archive 6 volumes in the archives of the Russian Federation of the 18th - 20th centuries. contains data.

7 volume

Central State Archive of the Republic of Uzbekistan Volume 7 (Part I) contains more than 3,000 fund documents of the Central State Archive of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as documents of the XIX-XX centuries in Tashkent regional and city archives. included documents.

8 volume

The 8 volumes of the information directory contain documents (copies) identified and received in archives and libraries of countries such as Armenia, Georgia, as well as documents received from Hungary, Great Britain, Germany, the Arab Republic of Egypt, Italy, Spain, the USA, China, Turkey, and France. The documents cover the period from the 16th to the 20th centuries.

The fund includes:

1. Manuscripts and rare books in Eastern languages, covering the 19th century. and the beginning of the 20th century
2. Statistical reviews by regions (1883-1915)
3. Code of laws of the Russian Empire (1830-1892)
4. Books on ”Tote Zhazu” or books in the Kazakh language with Arabic graphics (1920-1956)
5. Literature in Latin (1934-1952)
6. Collection of works of Abay Kunanbayuly (1940-2017)
7. Collection of works of Abu Nasr al-Farabi (1974-2008)

Национальный центр рукописей и редких книг






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