SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL COUNCIL of the “National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books” of the Republican State Institution


Boldykov Zhandos Bekdildauly

Chairman of the Board – Director

Dukenbayeva Zadash Orazgalikyzy

Deputy Chairman of the Council, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

Abisheva Aitolkyn

Secretary of the Council, Senior expert of the department of organization of scientific research work


Zhanabayev Anuar Dauletbekuly

Deputy Director

Parimbekova Kamshat Pazylkyzy

Head of the department of organization of scientific research work

Botabekov Syrym Saylauuly

Head of Restoration and Conservation Department

Baimaganbetova Anar Romankyzy

Head of the department of accounting, storage, organization of work of exhibition and reading rooms

Magauiyanova Tolkyn Kalymkyzy

Head of Publications and Printing Department

Absalikov Almat Amantayuly

Chief expert of the department of organization of scientific research work

Omarova Bakytzhan Tokenkyzy

Chief expert of the department of accounting, storage, organization of work of exhibition and reading rooms

Otepova Gulfira Elubaykyzy

Expert of the Department of Organization of Scientific Research Works

Bisenova Gulsim Aldabergenkyzy

Leading expert of the department of organization of scientific research work

Zhabykbay Adilalі

Specialist of the highest level of qualification, archaeographer of the department of accounting, storage, organization of work of exhibition and reading rooms


Expert Council: A consultative and advisory body of the National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books, tasked with centralizing rare collections in the country, conducting research, integrating them into scholarly circulation, and performing scientific and historical assessments of document value. The council addresses scientific, methodological, and practical challenges, including the creation of a state register of valuable written heritage and other relevant matters in this field.

EXPERT COUNCIL of the National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books of the Committee of Archives, Documentation and Book Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Boldykov Zhandos Bekdildauly

Director of the National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books, PhD, Chairman of the Council

Dukenbayeva Zadash Orazgalikyzy

Professor of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, scientific expert of the National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books, Deputy Chairman of the Council

Parimbekova Kamshat Pazylkyzy

Head of the Department for Organization of Scientific Research Work of the National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books, Secretary of the Council;

Abikova Gulshat Masalimovna

Head of the group of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Service of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan (by agreement)

Absalikov Almat Amantayuly

Chief expert of the department for organizing scientific research work of the National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books (by agreement)

Alibekuly Akzhigit

Specialist in Persian and Arabic languages of the Department of Oriental Studies, Professor M.A. State University named after L.N. Gumilyov, Arabic language specialist (by agreement);

Baimukhanov Mukhametkali

Honored Journalist of Kazakhstan, Professor of Humanities, Specialist in inscriptions Chagatai, Kadim, Tote (by agreement)

Kydyr Torali Edilbayuly

Deputy General Director of the Institute of Literature and Art named after M. O. Auezov, Ph.D., Associate Professor; Specialist in Arabic, Persian languages (by agreement)

Mollakaganatuly Saipulla

Teacher at the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after K.A. Yasawi, Specialist in Arabic, Persian and several languages (by agreement)

Muminov Ashirbek Kurbanuly

Coordinator of the Center for Research in Islamic Culture, History and Art (IRCICA, Istanbul), Ph.D.; Specialist in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, English (by agreement)

Paltore Yktiyar Moldatoreuly

Director of the Department of Science and Innovation, Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak, Ph.D.; Specialist in Arabic, Persian languages (by agreement)

Tursynkhan Zakenuly

Professor of the Department of Oriental Studies of the State University named after L.N. Gumilyov, Chinese language specialist (by agreement)

Tuyakbayev Omir Orazuly

Director of the Russian State Institution “Memorial Museum of Academician K.I. Satbayev”; Specialist in Arabic, Persian languages (by agreement)

Tyshkhan Kenshilik

State University named after L. N. Gumilyov, head of the department of religious studies, religious scholar (by agreement)

Shadkam Zubaida

Director of the Research Center “Writing and Spiritual Heritage” KazNU named after. al-Farabi, associate professor. Specialist in Persian, Turkish, Old Ottoman languages (by agreement)

Ospanova Bakytzhamal Kaiyrbekkyzy

Director of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Nurgalieva Gaziza Kudaybergenkyzy

Director of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ali Erkezhan Zhakimankyzy

Head of the Department of Rare Books, Manuscripts and National Literature of the Scientific Library of the Russian State University “GylymOrdasy” of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Begimtayev Shyngys Kosmanuly

Employee of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkologist, Doctor PhD.

Национальный центр рукописей и редких книг

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