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The center was established in 2017, the NationalCenter Foundation was formed through the purchase of books and manuscripts fromthe population. The replenishment of the collection took place and is takingplace through the acquisition of entire collections and individual manuscriptsby transferring to the collection of manuscripts that were in otherinstitutions and through private donations of individuals. To date, the fund ismore than 6 thousand books and manuscripts.

The National Center for Manuscripts and RareBooks establishes cooperation with foreign and government organizations. Suchrelations have already been established with more than 30 domestic and 10foreign institutions. In order to improve the qualifications of restorers andadopt the successful experience of colleagues, business trips were made to theRepublic of Turkey, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Uzbekistan, theIslamic Republic of Iran, Armenia, Japan and Korea.

The National Center has a special storage of manuscripts and rare books.The old books received by the fund are first disinfected, then, if necessary,restoration work is carried out, and then the book is sent to the fund forstorage.

Currently, the employees of the National Centeridentify valuable works on the history of the medieval Kazakh state, stored inforeign libraries, translate them and put them into scientific circulation, aswell as promote written sources and the center in the media, among young people.

On November 15, 2018, within the framework of the“Rukhani Zhangyru” program, the opening ceremony of the “Restoration andConservation” laboratory was held. The hall is equipped with equipment that isable to perform a full range of restoration and conservation work withdocuments on paper. Thanks to the functioning of the Restoration andConservation Hall, the National Center has the opportunity to disinfect,disinfect, restore, bind and digitize any paper document in a complex form.

The works collected in the manuscript fund arewritten in Arabic, Persian, Tajik, Turkish, Tatar, Chagatai, Turkic languages​​and date back to the 19th-20th centuries. These works are devoted to variousissues of history, history of literature, philosophy, law, astronomy, physics,chemistry, medicine, language, pharmacology, geography, music, mathematics,mineralogy, fine arts, etc.

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Национальный центр рукописей и редких книг






Республика Казахстан г. Астана, бульвар Нұржол 12

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