The Republican state institution, the “National Center of Manuscripts and Rare Books” under the Committee of Archives, Documentation, and Book Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, operates in alignment with leading compliance practices concerning anti-corruption measures. Our primary objective is to implement a compliance program that delineates an anti-corruption policy while overseeing the execution of anti-corruption measures, which includes assessing corruption risks within the National Center. An integral component of our compliance programs aimed at corruption prevention is the identification and evaluation of corruption risks.
Compliance functions entail monitoring the alignment of the organization’s internal procedures with both international and local regulations. The National Anti-Corruption Center conducts its operations in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kazakhstan’s Law “On the Fight against Corruption” (No. 410-B LRK dated November 18, 2015), and the concept of combating corruption.
Should you encounter instances of corruption within the Center’s activities, please report them using the following contact information:
Phone: +8 (7172) 76-91-81
Or through the 1424 CALL CENTER
Национальный центр рукописей и редких книг

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